wow, ez a het... kepzeld el magad, hogy reggel felkelsz, eledrakjak a reggelit, utana fel a starthelyre, kajalas, ismerkedes es eszosztas a tobbi pilotaval, jegbe hutott kokusztej iszogatas a kokuszbol, felhofigyeles es joido-varas, ernyokihajtas, izzadas, leeges, startolas, repules (!!!) es leszallas - neha a dzsindszas legkozepebe. 7 napbol kettoszor sikerult a kijelolt leszalloba szallnom... :P
delutan strand, varosban maszkalas, aszai kajalas (amazonas gyumolcsbol keszult edesseg), aztan gps lejelentes, barbecue parti, ettermezes, sorozes, eszosztas ujra es ujra, kuzdelem a portugal es nemet nyelvvel, ismerkedes a brazil kulturaval es az emberekkel (ja, es a nemetekkel, mert egy vegyes tarsasagban landoltam).

irnek meg szivesen, de nincs ertelme. at kell elni...
wow, this week... imagine yourself waking up in the morning, got your breakfast, then up to the starting spot, food, drink, hanging around with all the pilots from many countries, sharing experiences and asking for advice, ice-cold coconut milk from the coconut, observation of the clouds, waiting for the good weather, opening the glider, sweating, getting burned, starting, landing - sometimes in the middle of nowhere. i managed to land in the right spot twice out of the 7 :Pin the afternnon swimming pool, hanging a bit in the city, eating acai (fruits of the amason), then gps download, barbecue party, reastuants, beers, sharing the day, fight with the difficulties of the portuguese and german language, getting more near with the brasilian culture and people (and some german, as we hanged around together).
i would love to write more, but there is no point. you have to experience it...
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