2010. január 20., szerda

ujra uton / on the road again

--- for english version always scroll down plz ---

megfertozodtem. veglegesen.
aki olvasta a kozep-azsiai blogomat (http://ufoinasia.blogspot.com/), az mar tudja, mirol beszelek. es ime, itt allok az ujabb kaland elott.
mar sajat hatizsakkal, kicsivel tobb tapasztalattal, es egy jo rakas felsszel a zsebemben elkezdtem bongeszni a netet, hogy hova is kene menni. vegulis brazilia a tuti, oda szol a jegy, es hogy paraguay, peru, chile, argentina es/vagy bolivia fog beleferni, az hamarosan kiderul.


i got sick. again and forever...
who read my blog in central-asia (http://ufoinasia.blogspot.com/) already knows what i am talking about. and yeah here i am, first step to the new adventure.
already with my own backpack, a bit more prepared, but still with a bunch of fear (:
so where this time? brazil for sure as my flight goes there. if argentina, paraguay, peru, chile or bolivia fits into the itinerary, we will see soon.