lassan vege az utnak, holnap indulok haza. gondoltam, kell egy kis kaland a vegere... elmentunk repulni. sajnos a leszallas nem ugy sikerult, ahogy terveztem. egy godor keresztbehuzta a szamitasaimat, es a bokam reccsenesebol arra kovetkeztettem, hogy egy kicsit varnom kene a csomagolassal.
rogton jott a segitseg. megneztuk a bokamat, egy hangyanyit nagyobb volt, mint a masik, igy maradtam a fenekemen. (no, nem mintha ra tudtam volna allni...) jottek a mentosok, felpakoltak egy hordagyra, be az autoba, es irany a korhaz.
termeszetesen egy kisvarosban voltunk, ugyhogy a korhazban a nover elso kerdese az volt, hogy mi a fenet csinalok en ott a vilag vegen, hisz nincs ott semmi... persze a repules rogton mindent megmagyarazott (:
szoval jott a varakozas - kozben hoztak egy lott serultet, a kisvarosi lovoldozes egyik aldozatat: no comment! -, aztan rontgen, es a diagnozis: egy kisebb tores. wow, mondom, hurra. a legjobbkor, kulfoldon, hazaut es koltozes elott. na, mindegy, jojjon, aminek jonnie kell. legalabb muteni nem kell.
begipszeltek meg minden. az egyetlen hianyossag, hogy nincs mankom, igy ugrabugralok mindenfele fellabon. a lepcsokon kicsit nehezebb... ja, es meg nincs felfestve a gipszre a brazil zaszlo, amit surgosen potolnom kell ((:
addig is egy idezet Coelho-tol a Zarandoklat-bol, ami annyira ideillik (sajnos csak angolul tudom idezni):
“When you travel, you experience, in a very practical way, the act of rebirth. You confront completely new situations, the day passes more slowly, and on most journeys you don’t even understand the language the people speak. So you are like a child just out of the womb. You begin to attach much more importance to things around you because your survival depends upon them. You begin to be more accessible to others because they may be able to help you in difficult situations. And you accept any small favor from the gods with great delight, as if it were an episode you would remember for the rest of your life.
At the same time, since all things are new, you see only the beauty in them, and you feel happy to be alive.”
At the same time, since all things are new, you see only the beauty in them, and you feel happy to be alive.”
holnap repules haza, elotte meg bemelegiteskent egy 8-oras buszozas. de ezt meghagyom az utolso blogbejegyzes temajanak...
soon it is the end of the journey, tomorrow i am leaving. i thought that i needed some adventure by the end... so we went to paraglide. yeah, the landing did not succedd as i wanted, and my ankle got stuck in a hole and gave a weird, and actually not nice sound... so i came to a point, that i should wait a bit with the packing of my canopy.
the help came immediately. we checked my ankle, and it was mainly doubled, so i stayed (not that i could move anywhere because of the pain...). the ambulance came and took me to the hospital.
of course it was a small city, so the nurse in the hospital first asked me what the hell i am doing there as a tourist as there is not much to see there. but paragliding was a clear answer to all her questions. (:
so waiting and waiting... while a patient was taken with a shot in his back (small city fight in brazil, that´s all...), then x-ray. and the result is: my ankle is broken. wow, perfect timing! before travelling home, before moving to a new apartment. anyway, whatever have to happen, i let it so... at least no surgery needed and notin the beginning of my trip.
i got a cast. but i still have no crutches, so i jump on my left leg anywhere i have to go... a bit harder on the stairs...
i got a cast. but i still have no crutches, so i jump on my left leg anywhere i have to go... a bit harder on the stairs...
until then a quote from Coelho from The Pilgrimline, which fits my situation perfectly:
“When you travel, you experience, in a very practical way, the act of rebirth. You confront completely new situations, the day passes more slowly, and on most journeys you don’t even understand the language the people speak. So you are like a child just out of the womb. You begin to attach much more importance to things around you because your survival depends upon them. You begin to be more accessible to others because they may be able to help you in difficult situations. And you accept any small favor from the gods with great delight, as if it were an episode you would remember for the rest of your life.
At the same time, since all things are new, you see only the beauty in them, and you feel happy to be alive.”
tomorrow is my 22-hour flight home. plus as a warming-up, an 8-hour bus drive just before that. but let me leave this story as the last post of this blog...
At the same time, since all things are new, you see only the beauty in them, and you feel happy to be alive.”
tomorrow is my 22-hour flight home. plus as a warming-up, an 8-hour bus drive just before that. but let me leave this story as the last post of this blog...
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