- nincs egyenes ut
- nincs befejezett vagy bevakolt haz
- a buszok hatuljara vagy Jezus kep vagy meztelen nok vannak festve, mas opcio nincs
- ha eltevedtel, csak el kell indulnod a volgy fele, es onnan mar pofonegyszeru tajekozodni
- minel feljebb laksz a hegyen, annal olcsobb a lakas
mindezek ellenere eleg volt az egy het, amit itt dekkoltam, foleg a nem tervezett napok...
reggel felmentunk 4800-ra, ahol igazabol a felhoben ultunk fel a bringara, szoval nem sokat lattunk. de legalabb esett es hideg volt. (: kb. 10-15 percenkent megalltunk, mert
- ellenoriztek minket, vagy
- defektet kapott valaki, vagy
- enni kellett, vagy
- inni kellett, vagy
- oltozni/vetkozni kellett (epp az idovaltozas fuggvenyeben), vagy
- faradtak voltunk (foleg a kezem nem birta az allando bukkanokat), vagy
- csak ugy gyonyorkodni.
mert gyonyorkodni volt miben. hatalmas hegyek, de nem a megszokott kopar csucsok vagy fenyoerdok, hanem igazi dzsungel! no comment...
ja, es amig a szazhusz csipes, amit osszeszedtem, el nem mulik...
masnap reggel irany peru! a buszosok valamiert kitalaltak, hogy nincs kozvetlen jarat, igy copacabana-ig meg a boliviai szinvonalat elvezhettem, azaz csontta fagytam a buszon.a perui oldalon - rovid es egyszeru hataratlepes utan - mar az argentinhez hasonlo buszt kaptunk. es kezdodott a tuti: titicaca to, hegyek stb. azert bealudtam... hiaba, a faradtsag az faradtsag (:
egy helyen at kellett kelni a tavon, ami abbol allt, hogy mi utasok egy kulon lelekvesztoben, a busz pedig egy masikban tette meg ezt az utat. eh...
este nekiindultam nenet keresni, de epp a tancos felvonulas ert oda az utcankba. ez egyutt jart azzal, amit mar boliviaban lattam, azaz a habspray-k fujdosasaval. de itt nem voltak a kolykok olyan kimeletesek, es egybol nekiestek a turistaknak. kenytelen voltam felvasarolni 4 palackkal, es ellentamadast inditani. megjegyzem, a 4 palack (amibol 2 pocsek volt) helyett kb 15-ot kaptam vissza... ((:
remelem, a cuccaim megszaradnak holnapig (:
la paz is still worht a few more words. because it is a city, where
- there is no flat road
- no house finished or painted
- the back of the buses are painted, either with a picutre of Jesus or a half naked girl
- if you get lost, you just have to go down the valley, and will soon find the right direction
- the higher you wanna buy a flat on the hills, the cheaper it is
still, a week was more then enough, especially because it was a bit unintentional at the end...
- we had checking points, or
- someone had a flat tyre, or
- we had to eat, or
- we had to drink, or
- pictures were taken (a lot!!!), or
- we had to dress up/down (depending on the weather conditions), or
- we were tired (especially my hands could not stand the many bumpings), or
- just admiring the view.
because there were plenty of things to admire. huge mountains, but not the ´usual´ ones with rocks or pine trees, but with jungle plaints! no comment...
at least for a few days until my hands and butt hurts. oh, and dont forget the tens of bites that itche all the time...
next day heading to peru! the bus company came up with a change that there is no direct bus, so until copacabana i could still enjoy the amazing bolivian service - meaning it was freezing cold in the bus. in peru - after a short and simple border check - it was more similar to the argentinian style bus. and the fun begun: lake titicaca, mountains etc, still i fell asleep, but such is life...
on the road we had to cross the lake, which ment that we had to get off the bus, take a ´boat´, and the bus took another one. to be honest, i did not trust any of them, but all survived...
arriving to puno i took the funniest taxi ever. it reminded me to an indian riksa (picture above).
this was the last day of the carnival in the city. i took a balcony place in one of the best restaurants of the city, eating a throut from lake titicaca and enjoying the fiesta of the locals.
there was a very characteristic local old lady smiling at me, so i decided to ask her about a picture. the answer was a meter long spear pinning on me, so i had rather left... (:
i hope my clothes will dry by tomorrow (: