nehez nem irni, annyira sokminden tortenik.uyuni utan alig vartam, hogy la paz-ba erjek. cudar 14-oras buszozas kovetkezett futes (ez ebben a magassagban szamit), szelloztetes, vilagitas nelkul egy foldesuton, ahol amint elenk kerult egy masik jarmu, azonnal meg lehetett fulladni. hajnali 7-kor ideertem, gyorsan szallas utan neztem, es nekiindultam a varosnak.
ez a hely hihetetlen! egy varos, fenn 3600 m magasan, minden oldalrol hegyek kozott, a tavolban egy 6000 m-es havas csuccsal, egyszeruen lenyugozo. rabul ejtett mindazok ellenere, hogy baromi budos, zsufolt, es minden autos folyamatosan nyomja a dudat. ezen kivul - mint az osszes eddig latott orszagra jellemzo - az autok nem torodnek szegeny gyalogosokkal, es ha nem sietsz, siman keresztulmegy rajtad... bar ez a legrosszabb az eddig latottak kozul.nincs jobb es baloldal, tiszta kaosz...ja, tok hideg van az eddigiekhez kepest. bar tudom, nehanyan aldanak az eget az itteni 20 fokert...
kovetkezo kihivas: hegymaszas. itt van a legkonnyebben megmaszhato 6000-es csucs, a huayna potosi. gondoltam, belevagok, hatha...
elso nap felmentunk az alaptaborba 4700 m-re, de ide meg csak autoval. amulyan akklimatizacios nap volt ez: elmentunk kicsit gleccsert maszni, meg jeget is egy kicsit, hogy a harmadik nap mar konnyebben menjen. nem mondom, hogy csipobol ment, de nem volt rossz!
masodik nap 4700-rol kellett felmaszni 5130-ra a felso taborba. ez a kis 430 m szintkulonbseg nem is lenne sok, de ezen a magassagon ugy ereztem, hogy meghalok. vegulis 2 ora alatt felertunk, es mint egy darab fa estem a halozsakba. (termeszetesen futetlen hutte, de igy is orultem neki nagyon.) az akklimatizacioval gondjaim voltak, egesz komoly fejfajasom lett. nem votlam benne biztos, hogy a kovetkezo nap menni fog. hiaba vagyok mar 3000 m felett vagy egy hete, es hiaba a sokfele tea meg egyebek, nem olyan, mint 400 m-en...
a harmadik nap ejfelkor keltunk, igy elozo nap kb 5-kor takarodo volt. hajnali 1-kor, reggeli (hivhatom annak???) utan nekiindultunk. nem nagyon tudtam enni, tok pocsek volt a gyomrom. de hiaba, muszaj, kulonben nem megy a maszas. felcsatoltuk a hagovasakat, es irany a gleccser, tok sotetben. 100 m emelkedo utan kidobtam a taccsot. nem voltam kifejezetten jol. kis piheno, aztan irany tovabb.
kb. meg 10 m-t tudtam menni, es ott ereztem, hogy most nincs tobb bennem. hascsikaras, gyengeseg, szedules, hasmars... egyutt kicsit sok volt, hogy ezt a hegyet legyozzem, barmennyire is szerettem volna.
bar az talan meg egy kicsit nehezebb volt, hogy a teljesitmenykenyszeremen urra legyek, es magamnak bevalljam, hogy ez most nem megy. visszafordultam a turavezetovel, aki beengedett a huttebe es odaadta a kulcsot.
elmentem a pottyantos wc-hez, majd amikor visszaertem a hazhoz, akkor jottem ra, hogy kizartam magam!!! neeeeem!!!! eh, mondom, hozom a formam: ejjel 2 ora, 5130 m, senki a kornyeken, se telefon, se takaro, semmi, nincs tul meleg sem... el tudod kepzelni, milyen erzes?
volt a hutte elott egy kis sator, ami vegulis konyhakent funkcionalt, oda bevackoltam magam. talaltam egy drotot, azzal megprobaltam felfeszegetni a zarat, de hiaba. vegigneztem az ablakokat a hazon, de nem tudtam ugy sem bejutni. korbeneztem, hogy hogy lehetne a leheto legmelegebbet csinalni a satorban. osszeszedtem a zsakokat, es csinaltam egy kis vackot magamnak. de kb. fel ora utan ereztem, hogy nem fog mukodni ez igy reggelig.
szerencsemre az ajto felett volt uvegablak. lemertem, hogy epp elerem a zarat. igy azt egy kovel betortem (hehe, fura erzes volt!!!), es mar bent is voltam! bejutottam!!! mindegy, azert ez az ejszaka bejutott a tiz legrosszabb ejszakam koze... (:
a utravezeto mondta, hogy 8 eve vezet turakat erre a hegyre, de eddig ilyennel meg nem talalkozott... :P
azota ujra a varosban vagyok, es ugy erzem, most egy ideig nem megyek hegyet maszni. bar egyet megtanultam: nemet mondani, ha mar tenyleg tulmentem a hataraimon...
ui: fotok nincsenek, mert virus koltozott a kint vett kartyamra. ugy tunik, a kint vett kutyukkel mindig mellefogok... (:
ui2: mar vannak, ma csinaltam oket
it is hard not to write. too many things happen.after being in uyuni i was longing for getting to la paz. it was a terrible 14-hour bus drive, much worse then the argentinian ones. without heating (which really counts in this altitude), air circulation, lights. i got here at 7 am., quickly found a hostel and started to explore the city.
this is simply amasing!!! a city at the altitude of ~3600 m, surrounded with houses on the hills, with the view of a 6000 m high snowy summit... it is charming despite the smog, dirt, crowd and continuous car horns. anyway, cars never stop, so one must be extremely careful when crossing the mission: mountainclimbing. the easiest 6000+ m high peak is in bolivia called huayna potosi, so i decided to give it a try.
the first day we went up with a car to the base camp, which is 4700 m above the sea level. this way a day for acclimatization: we went out ice climbing and praticing on ice. it was not easy, but it was high time for me to do it, so i really enjoyed!
on the second day the task was to climb from 4700 to 5130. this does not sound a big altitude difference, but in this height it definitely is. i really suffered, but we finished it in 2 hours. i was still happy about being in the unheaded hutte. i had problems with acclimatization, i had a serious headache. i was not sure if i could do the next day. even though i was above 3000 m for more then a week and took herb tea and more, it did not solve all my problems.
third day we woke up atmidnight, so the previous day we went to sleep at 5 pm. at 1 am, after breakfast (can i call it breakfast at all??) we left. i had no appetite at all, my stomach was a total mess. anyway, i need energy, so i forced myself to eat at least a bit. put on the boots and started in total darkness. after 100 m of climbing i threw up. it was not my best day. some rest and we went on.
i could climb another 10 meters and felt that that was the last point. i had to give it up. it was a terrible feeling and i could hardly believe that i failed. but with diarrhoea, pain and dizziness i could not climb another 850 m in this altitude. it was too much to conquier the peak... ):
the failure itself was even worse then the current feelings i had. it was against my way of life or such...
the guide led me back to the hutte and gave me the key. i went to the toilet - outside of course - and when i got back to the entraqnce door, i noticed that i locked myself out!!! noooooo!!!! can you imagine the feeling? right there, totally sick, 2 am, dark and cold, alone on 5130 m, noone around, no phone, no blankets... how could i do that?
there was a small and windy tent in front of the building, which functioned as a kitchen. i tried to hide there. i tried to figure out what to do to get this night over as well as possible. i tried to open the door with a cable, checked all the windows, but could not get in. i built up a little asylum in the tent, but after an hour i felt that this could not work until morning.
i saw a window above the door. i measured, that i could reach the lock, if i broke the window. so i took a stone - finally something i had enough of - and broke the window (although a wuite weird feeling!!!). i was in the house!!!!
anyway, this day deserves an exclusive position in the top-ten worst nights in my life (:
the guide told me, that during his praxis of 8 years he never had such a story... :P
anyway, i am back to civilisation, and now i dont feel like climbing for a while. but i learned one thing for sure: to say no, if i am beyond my limits...
ps: no pictures now as i have a virus on my memory card. it seems, that whatever i buy in these countries all have the same shit...
ps2: some pics are uploaded
Thai paradicsom
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