atertem boliviaba. szepen gyulnek a pecsetek az utlevelemben. (: felertem 3000 m fole, es mindenfele gyogymod ellenere megszenvedtem egy brutal fejfajassal. hiaba, nem vagyok en ehhez hozzaszokva...

de legalabb tuleltem a karnevalt. nem volt egy nagy durranas, de biztosithatok mindenkit, hogy bolivia bevetelenek nagy resze a lufikbol es a fujhato hab spray-kbol all. a karneval nagy resze abbol allt ugyanis, hogy a gyerekek vizzel teli lufijai es a spray-k elol menekultem (:
ami meg szep a dologban, hogy egeytlen zeneszam megy folyamatosan, es arra vonulnak fel az emberek.
befizettem egy ujabb turara: 4 nap, terepjaroval. nagyon megerte, meg ha utalom is oket. 2 autoval voltunk, 10 turista (nemet, svajci, angol, argentin, holland, dan stb...), 2 sofor + 2 szakacs. merthogy helyi kajat kaptunk vegig.
a terulet, amit bejartunk: az altiplano, vagyis magasfold, lenyugozo. az egesz terulet 3500 m felett van (ha jol emlekszem). lattunk emut, vikunyat, lamat (lama steak-et ettunk is. finom!!!), flamingokat, meg nehany allatot meg tutira nem ismertem fel.
es lattunk vulkant, pampat, feher lagunat, kek lagunat, piros lagunat, zold lagunat, laktunk a leheto legegyszerubb hazban es sohotelben, furodtunk termal forrasban nem semmi kilatassal, megneztuk a sosivatagot napfelkeltekor (a harom napbol ketszer fel 5-kor keltunk!!!) meg nehany gejzirt, volt 42 fok es 10 is, esett, havazott, sutott a nap, volt 5 defektunk (persze a ket auton osszesen)...
a masodik nap szallasanal talaltunk egy focipalyat, es gyorsan ki is hivtuk a helyi boliviaiakat egy meccsre. nem tudom, sportoltatok-e mar 3700 m magasan, de ha meg nem, es nem szeretnetek 2 napig tarto tudofajast 5x3 perc szaladgalas utan, akkor ne is tegyetek! (:
azert megerte, mert lottem egy golt, es egesz este a helyiek dicsereteit zsebelhettem be (:
ime egy kis izelito a latottakbol:

i arrived to bolivia. there are more and more stamps in my passport (: i reached the altitude of 3000 m, which caused me a terrible headache despite that i chewed quite a lot of coca leaves. anyway, i am not used to it...
but survived the carnival. it is not a big deal, but i am sure, that a significant percentage of the income of bolivia comes from foam sprays and balloons, that kids fill up with water. in total the carneval was not more then trying to escape from the above mentioned 'attacks' by kids...
the other lovely thing in the carneval is that the whole week you listen to one song which gives the background music for the festival.
i went to another tour: 4 days with a jeep. it was a great 4 days!!! we went with two jeeps, 10 tourists (english, danish, holland, german, argentinian etc...), 2 drivers and 2 cooks. as we got local food during the journey.
the area we were at is altiplano, meaning high land. it is just gorgeous! the area is above 3500 m (if i remember well). we saw emus, vichunyas, lamas (even had lama steak!), flamingos, and some others i dont know...
and we saw vulcanos, pampas, white laguna, blue laguna, green laguna, red laguna, lived in the simplest room ever and in a salt hotel, had bath in a termal bath with an amasing view to the mountains, saw the salt desert in sunset (we had to wake up at 4:30 twice!!!) and some geysers. sometimes it was 10 degrees and sometimes 42, it was raining, snowing, sunshine, we had 5 flat tyres (but the two cars together)...
there was a football field near our accomodation on the second day, so we immediately went to play with locals. i do not know if you ever played football at the altitude of 3700 m, but if not, and do not want a constant pain in your lungs for 2 days after 5x3 minutes game, then do not do it! (:
it was still worth it as i scored a goal ((:
some pictures of what we saw:
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