hat igen... kicsit deja du erzesem van, mert az elozo blogom is valahogy igy kezdodott...

amsterdam, atszallas mindossze 55 perc alatt, es estere mar a melegben vagyok. nem gond, menni fog. rohantam, ahogy csak tudtam, vegig 4 terminalon keresztul, es odaerve nagy elegedetten bealltam a sorba, amikor is a mar otthon megvaltott beszallokartyamat visszadobta a gep. egy kis keresgeles utan kozoltek velem, hogy ujra lett foglalva a jegyem, faradjak at valahova mashova. ott kozoltek, hogy este 8-kor indul a gepem parizsba, onnan pedig ejjel sao paulo-ba, mivel lekestem a gepet!!! de mondom ott voltam idoben, mi az, hogy lekestem?!? erre sok valaszt nem kaptam, es az ellenkezojerol sem tudtam meggyozni oket...

annyit elertem, hogy kaptam egy kajabont, es delutan 3-ra atraktak a parizsi jegyem, igy az eiffel-torony meg eppen belefert. igaz, csontta fagytam, mivel en mar brazilra oltoztem, de azert nem volt rossz. (:

kozben azert nehany aprosagra feny derult, mint peldaul arra, hogy a telefonszamaim egy resze a telefonom memoriajaban maradtak - otthon (: -, tobbek kozott az itteni szallasadoime is, a fenykepezogepbe a kicsi memoriakartyat hoztam el, a kolcsontelefonom halozatfuggo, igy itt nem tudom hasznalni stb...
nehany szoban sao paulo-rol: zold, zold, zold es zold minden! feludito az otthoni szurkeseg utan. es vagy 35 fok... rohad le az emberrol minden. persze, ezt nem panaszkodasnak szantam (:
a kaja nagyon jo, bar meg csak izlelgetem a kinalatot

yeah... my previos blog started a bit similar...

amsterdam, transfer in 55 mins and i will be in brazil by the evening. no problem, i just do it. i ran through 4 terminals and was very satisfied when queued for the sao paulo flight. but for some reason my boarding pass was rejected and i was told that they rebooked my flight. after some discussion it came out that i had to fly to paris and late night to sp because i missed the flight!!! i totally disagreed as i was there on time, but no explanation like this helped...
loosing one day etc, but having a chance to see the eiffel tower in paris! it was freaking cold as i was prepared to the weather in brazil...

some additional missing preparation made the beginning of this trip a bit more difficult:
1. i did not have all my phone numbers with me as some of them were saved on my phone, that i left at home - including my host's here in sp (:
2. i took the 128MB memory card to the camera which is not enough for anything at all...
3. i could not find my trekkin sandals. for some reason in this city people don't know such things, so after a long walk i had to buy the only similar available model
4. the phone i got for this trip can only use one hungarian network, so it cannot be used here :P
some words about sp: green, green, green and everything is simply green!!! refreshing after home's grey colours. and 35 celsius... i am swet and suffering from the heat... but of course this is not a complain :P:P:P

food is great even though i only tasted a few things until now... but no doubt i will love it!
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